• Kite surfing is considered an extreme sport and should be practiced with extreme caution and good knowledge of safety instructions.
  • All kiters are to log in at the beach office before going out for their own safety.
  • Internationally recognized upwind right of way rules applies, or common sense when this cannot be achieved.
  • Please respect the different zones allocated for different levels of kiters and swimmers.
  • Learning should always be done under the supervision of an Authorized/certified Instructor.
  • The kite center staff have the right to stop any reckless or dangerous kiter and/or ban him from the beach with or without warning, and in some extreme cases have the authority to confiscate the equipment in collaboration with GREEK PORT POLICE.
  • Kiting in offshore conditions is not advisable and any kiter going out does so at his own risk.
  • Make sure that you have packed away your lines once you have landed your kite, and make sure that your board, equipment bag is all placed closely together on the beach and not scattered around.
  • Kiters are kindly requested to give priority to beach goers as they don’t have the full understanding of the dangers or hazards of sitting or swimming in the kite surfing zone.
  • Swimmers and other beach users must remain clear of the kites and kitesurf zone.
  • If you cannot maintain an upwind line (e.g. if you are learning, or if the wind conditions are not suitable for your equipment), then kiting in a direct onshore wind may mean that you should not kite on that day. Wait until the wind direction is cross/onshore, so that you can make progress away from the shore.
  • In low wind conditions, it may not be safe for you to launch your kite. If there is not enough wind to effectively control the kite and it is falling from the sky onto the beach and people, then you should consider landing the kite until the wind is enough to fly an inflatable kite. As a rough example, the minimum wind conditions required to fly an inflatable kite are typically 8 knots, and 6 knots for a foil kite.
  • You must make every effort to make progress away from the beach after launching. Only come back to the beach when you intend to land. When kiting, and especially jumping, please stay at least one and a half times the length of your lines away from the beach (for most of us, this will be at least 45m).
  • If your skill level, the wind conditions, or your equipment means you cannot comply with this rule, then you should not launch your kite.
  • Don’t drink and ride.